The CCS-18000T is the most productive Cartridge Capping System on the market. It will keep pace with up to five (5) Credence CFS-4000T Automatic Cartridge Filling Machines, whose combined output can reach up to 18000 filled and capped vape cartridges per hour using only a single operator to do so.
The CCS-18000T not only caps all 100 cartridges simultaneously, but it has two special features that set it apart from all competitors. The first is the fact that this system is not predicated on setting the correct pressure based upon how many carts you are capping or what type of carts you are capping. The ram press height is based upon a distance measurement from the bottom of the cart to the top of the mouthpiece. The distance to which the ram comes down is a set value in the software. Once you determine and set the ram press height, you can cap 1, 2, 50, 100 or anything in between without worrying if the smaller quantities are in danger of getting smashed. The competitor’s machines must have the air pressure adjusted to match the quantity of carts being capped and failure to match the pressure with the cart quantity can end up in lost product.
The second unique feature of the CCS-18000T is that the Upper Tooling set is actually 100 individual presses that compensate for the differences in cart overall height due to cart component size variation. Normal carts can vary up to 1 mm in overall height from one lot to another and this difference in height must be taken into consideration when setting up the array capper. Not so with the CCS-18000T. Once you set a height for a given product, that height value should never change. It should be checked during each new lot setup, but you will find that the CCS- 18000T is very consistent across all of your products.